Writing & Film
Dr. Joseph H. Berke's writings, films and other publications in areas of psychotherapy, the 60's counter culture as well as Judaism and Chabad.
"The Jewish Mystical Tradition & Psychoanalysis"
Academy of Jerusalem, psychoanalysis-and-therapy.com October 1997
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
In Between the Lines: Explorations of Jewish Mysticism, Identy, and Self Transformation,Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1998
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Gedaliah Fleer
"The Fickle Fix: Report on a Report on Drug Addiction"
The Radical Therapist, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1970.
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Continuing Kingsley Hall"
The New York Review of Books, 3 June 1971
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"ECT: The Slaughterhouse Discovery"
General Practitioner, April 1972
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"The Arbours: A Place of Quiet"
Quadrille, fall 1973, republished in Self & Society, Oct. 1973
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"On the Multigenerational Study of the Family of the Schizophrenic"
Arbours Network, No. 8, 1975, also French and Spanish editions.
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Leon Redler
"The Case of Susan and Peter: The Psychotherapeutic Treatment of an Acute Psychotic Episode at the Arbours Crisis Centre"
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, Vol. 12, No. 2, 1981, also Spanish edition
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Envy Loveth Not: A Study of the Origin, Influence and Confluence of Envy and Narcissism"
British Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 1, No. 3, Winter 1985
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Shame and Envy"
British Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1986
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Penis Greed"
British Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 5, No. 3, Winter 1989
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"The Conjoint Therapy of Severely Disturbed Individuals within a Therapeutic Milieu"
International Journal of Therapeutic Communities, Vol. 10, No. 4, Winter 1990
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"R. D. Laing"
British Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 7, No. 2, Winter 1990
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Psychosis and Malice"
The Psychoanalytic Review,Vol.78, No 1, Spring 1991
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Antithetical Meanings of the 'Breast"
The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 75, Part 3, June 1994
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Stanley Schneider
"The Good and the Bad Therapist"
Medical Psychotherapy, Vol. 10, Issues 2-3, Fall 1994
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Psychotic Interventions at the Arbours Crisis Centre"
British Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 10, No 3, Spring 1994
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Breast, Robbery or the Devil?"
The Jewish Bible Quarterly, Vol. XXIII, No. 2 (90), April-June 1995
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Stanley Schneider
"When Little Men Become Big"
History Today Vol. 45, No. 4, April 1995
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"The Wellsprings of Fascism: Individual Malice, Group Hatreds and the Emergence of National Narcissism"
Free Associations, Vol. 6, Part 3 (Number 39), 1996
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Psychoanalysis & Kabbalah"
The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 83, No.6, December 1996. Romanian translation: Omen: Revista de Psihanaliza, No 8, 2001
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Medication as Panacea"
Group Analysis, 30:3, 1997
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Stanley Schneider
"Womb Envy"
Journal of Melanie Klein and Object Relations, Vol. 15, No, 3, September 1997
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Reality, Words and Universes"
Michlol, Vol. 19, pp 79-85, 1999/5760 (Hebrew)
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Stanley Schneider
"Chassidus & Psychoanalysis"
Concord, Vol.29, No.2, December 2000
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Arbours Crisis Centre: 25th Anniversary, Introduction to the Celebration"
British Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 17, No. 2, Winter 2000
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"The Rebbe RaShAB and Sigmund Freud"
Concord, Vol. 29, No.1, October 2000
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Sigmund Freud and the Lubavitcher Rebbe"
The Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 87, No. 1 Feb 2000
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Stanley Schneider
"A Tale of Two Orphans: The Limits of Categorisation"
Mental Health, Religion & Culture, Vol. 4 No 1, Spring 2001. Spanish Translation: Clinica y Analysis Grupal, Vol. 23, 2001. Republished: Concord, Vol. 30, December 2001
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Stanley Schneider
"When Does a Beginning Begin, and When Can an Ending End?"
Journal of the Crisis Centre, No.12, 2002
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"The Arbours 30+ Years"
ISPS Newsletter, No.2, January 2002
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"The Right to be at Risk"
Free Associations, Vol. 10, Part Four, No. 56, 2003
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Repairing Worlds. An Exploration of the Psychoanalytical and Kabbalistic Concepts of Reparation and Tikkun."
Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 90, No. 5, 2003.
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Stanley Schneider
"Whose in Charge Here? Projective Processes of course!"
Therapeutic Communities, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2003
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"On the Paintings of Mary Barnes"
The Joint Newsletter, No. 10, Spring 2004
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Crisis at the Arbours Crisis Centre"
Therapeutic Communities, Vol 25, No. 1, 2004, The Joint Newsletter, No. 10, Spring 2004. Also published in The Joint Newsletter, No. 10, Spring 2004
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with P. Williams, K. Navaratnem, L. Elliot & S. Whittle
"Discovering Oneself: Kabbalah & Psychoanalysis"
Midstream, Volume 51, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2005
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Stanley Schneider
"The Self and the Soul"
Mental Health, Religion and Culture, Vol 9, No. 2, 2006
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Stanley Schneider
"The Creative Use of Countertransference"
British Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol 22, No. 3, 2006
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Kannan Navaretnem, Tamar Schonfield
"Nothingness and Narcissism"
Mental Health, Religion and Culture, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2007
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Stanley Schneider
"The Oceanic Feeling, Mysticism and Kaballah - Freud's Historical Roots"
Psychoanalytic Review, Vol 95, No.1, 2008
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Stanley Schneider
"Camel Through the Eye of a Needle"
International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol 90, 2009
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Stanley Schneider
"Some Considerations about the Therapeutic Potential of Regression"
Psychosis, Volume 2, No3, October 2010
Dr. Joseph H. Berke
"Freud's Meeting with Rabbi Alexandre Safran"
Psychoanalysis and History, 2009, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2010
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Stanley Schneider
"Answering a Question with a Question: Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Jewish Thought"
Shofar, 2011
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Stanley Schneider
"Freud's Atonement"
Mental Health, Religion and Culture, Vol 13, 2011.
Dr. Joseph H. Berke with Stanley Schneider
"On Sulking"
June 2012
Dr. Joseph H. Berke

Dr. Berke published some of his works under Teva Publications, named after his Golden Retriever, Teva, who he described as a beloved companion and co-therapist.